Multi-Tiered Systems of Support



    A 3-Tiered Process provides effective instructional strategies for both academic and behavior systems is an affective framework for providing students with intervention. Academic supports are frequently referred to as Response to Intervention (RtI). Behavior systems are frequently referred to as Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)


    Implementation Features
    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is grounded in:
    • Expectations for high-quality, research-based instruction in general education classrooms.
    • Universal, classroom-based screening to identify need for additional support.
    • Collaborative, team-based approach to development, implementation, and evaluation of alternative interventions.
    • Increasingly intense, multi-tiered application of an array of high-quality, evidence-based instruction matched to individual needs.
    • Continuous monitoring of progress to determine impact of interventions.
    • Expectations for parent involvement throughout the process.

    The 3-Tiered Process is a means of systematically documenting the performance of students as evidence of the need for additional services after making changes in classroom instruction. The 3-Tiered Process promises to change the way schools support students with learning and behavior problems by systematically delivering a range of interventions based on demonstrated levels of need.